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Tag: Hand cream

Why Hand cream is used?

The hand is an important part of our body. According to WHO 60-70 percent of infections are spread with hands. It touches everything and bacteria are spread by hand. It is necessary to keep our hands washed. Fever, cough, cold, or skin infections are spread with a hand touch. So hand care is important. Sometimes the hands become dry and we need to take care of it with cream.

How to use it?

You can use the cream at any time and anywhere. Most people use it after showering. Take two to three drops of cream and apply it to your hand. Rub your hand on your hand for 3-5 minutes.

Hand care, Hand cream, Soap

Happy Woman With Curly Hair


Taking care and embracing the texture of natural curly hair is not an easy task. As it is contributes a major role in your looks, so it become more important to maintain your curly hair and give your hair a proper regime according to your hair type.